How do you store your duck eggs?

We're eating them. This is it on the ducks. They are completely adorable and fun to watch but way to messy for me. My daughter is the only thing that's keeping them around. She was the one that wanted to do waterfowl for 4-H this year but this is it. If someone else would do the cleaning and watering then I'd keep them but it's just us and what a chore I can see it's going to be in the winter.

Why would you have to dump them after a week. If they are like our fresh chicken eggs they will stay around for several weeks. We never have to throw away eggs. I know these will be richer but why a week?
Interesting idea. What about using those Popsicle molds to freeze them in. You can later move them into a ziplock bag and they stay separated. I kind of do that with my meat balls. I freeze them on a cookie sheet and then transfer them to a ziplock bag so we can take out as many as we need. I usually make a 3 pound meatball dough mix and end up with 36 balls, which gets us 2 going for a while. I do the same trick with chocolate chip cookie dough. We use the recipe from the Toll-House chocolate chip bag and it makes a lot. I don't eat them, but this has kept my husband from over eating them or throwing extra ones that got dry into the trash.

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