How do you use DE?


12 Years
Sep 20, 2011
What is the purpose of DE in the coop? I have seen it referred to many times under different topics. Also, where do you buy it and how much do you use?
Thanks!!!!! (I'm still new and learning)
It helps keep things drier and the stink down. It helps with mites. I am lucky I have two places I can buy it at my feed store and I live down the road from Meyer hatchery.
I put DE every where. First thing in the nesting boxes after they have been cleaned. Spread around the floor of hen house and runs and all those nooks and corners that are hard to reach. It works! Keeps the mites at bay and reduces smell. You can pay way to much for the stuff at most chix supply businesses. I bought a 50 lb bag (it will last forever) from a gardening store for less than $25.

Use it!
Sounds good!!! Thanks for the information. My husband thinks it can be purchased at pool supply stores. Is that the same DE that you use for chickens?
I use a sifter (like for flour) and shake the sifter around the bedding and nests whenever needed.

I also store wild bird seed and sprinkle it in there to keep the bulk seed from molding and getting bugs.

One of my dogs also has really bad breath.
So I have to give her about a teaspoon mixed in with her food to get rid of her breath odor.


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