how do your day old poults act?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
SE Tennessee
Hi! New to raising turkeys and I added a day old bourbon red to my chick brooder. He has eaten and had a little to drink but not much of either. Also, he seems to primarily sleep. He'll get up if I prod him, but he just doesn't seem to eat much or drink much compared to the chicks. I tried some hard boiled egg, but no interest.
Any other ideas?
Is this normal for turkeys? (FYI, I got him locally, so he didn't have any stress during shipment.)

Thanks in advance!
Sounds normal with one caveat. What is the temp in the brooder? If it is nice and toasty as in 90 degrees plus he is just resting and gaining strength from the resorbed yolk. If it is below 90 he is probably also cold.
My BRs and MWs arrived today and are a bunch of terrors! They are being really mean to each other. At first they weren't eating much, so I ran up to the feed store and came back with 2 cochins to put in with they are picking on the cochins.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to rig up a larger brooder area for them. They just won't leave each other alone.
Thanks, he's actually started getting around a bit more and eating more (thank goodness!). I've just heard poults die easily and that's the last thing I wanted!

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