how does everyone keep their chicken tractors clean or just small coops?

Chad the Chicken Man

10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Belleville, WI
Ive never owned a chicken tractor. my last coop was a 8x8 and i was able to do a deep liter method. The tractor coop is only 3x5, and 3 to 3 1/2 foot tall. I wont be able to do a deep liter method on this coop i dont think. how does everyone else keep theres clean? i was thinking about just keeping 2-3 inches of shaving and stiring them around everday. and then maybe cleaning the shavings out weekly. is that what everyone else does?
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I use a pretty thin layer of shavings in mine. I just scoop out the piles of poop and add another handful of shavings in the morning when I feed/water them. They all hang out and do their business in the same general area at night, so it's an easy job. I just keep a small compost bucket nearby and dump it when it gets full. I usually clean out the whole thing on the weekends too. It doesn't take long. We move the tractor every few days and so far it's working out well.
MarinR Thanks for the great idea. I was also going to ask if people have poop boards in there small coops or just they just scoop it out like your doing. Im use to having the big 8x8 coop where you have room to do things like the poop board. if people have pictures of poop boards in there small coop please share.
I place a few pieces of newspaper under my roost each night and roll it up to compost each morning. It has worked really well for me. I get the end rolls of newspaper from our local paper and cut it the width of the coop. It has no ink and it's free! I only use two sheets a day and just place a few river rocks on the corners to hold it down. They rarely displace it and I don't have to scrape anything off. I do have pine shavings on the entire coop floor and they stay dry and clean for quite a while.
I have a 4 x 6 coop that houses 4 chickens. I keep about 2 inches of shavings and scoop out with a kitty litter scoop each day whatever droppings happened overnight .... that takes me only a few minutes. I completely replace the shavings once a month.
i did away with the shavings for the summer.and used sand under the poop boards.and also in the runs.and twiced daily i scoupe it up with a kitty litter scoupe.very easy.
This is the most valuable coop-related thread I have read with regard to clean-up (maintenance) because most of the pooping happens at night under the coop. This idea captures lots more 'living space' for the girls (and guys), too. Check it out!

The very first entry there..the thread-starter had me immediately convinced. Sand won't do what PDZ (zeolite) can do. No Stink because the ammonia is neutralized by this volcanic rock (powder is like flour....granules are like sugar) Got mine at TSC. in 25# bags and used 4 of them under an 11 foot roost.
I just use straw, I change it out once a week. I was using shavings but the dust I couldn't take. I even get it for free, just too dusty. I have 4 small coops and one big hen house. Hen house has sand and straw.
This is the most valuable coop-related thread I have read with regard to clean-up (maintenance) because most of the pooping happens at night under the coop. This idea captures lots more 'living space' for the girls (and guys), too. Check it out!

The very first entry there..the thread-starter had me immediately convinced. Sand won't do what PDZ (zeolite) can do. No Stink because the ammonia is neutralized by this volcanic rock (powder is like flour....granules are like sugar) Got mine at TSC. in 25# bags and used 4 of them under an 11 foot roost.

Oh, how arrogant of me. I'm quoting myself. I'm not like really I'm not! LOL

Anyway..just wanted to add that if your coop is small....the poop board/box (like a second floor loft) is totally the way to go. I'm tickled pink when I go into the coop and see it now.

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