How does she do it?

Indiana hens

11 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Pendleton, Indiana
I asked Lady Jayne to help make our goats kid and she signed off. I think maybe she has a broom instead of a shovel! I went out to get eggs and
! Something very weird about that gal!

at first, when i saw the request for help i was all like this:


but then i got my poop in a group and i was all like this:


after the teeth were squeaky clean, i was ready for action!

my tele-transport device comes in VERY handy in these circumstances.

the little black one was a doozie to get out. but it was all worth it.

i just never gave up hope.
There were 2 more nannies in the goat house that you missed. I was more concerned about the squacky one! If yout teleporter has a time machine attached you could fix this problem!
There were 2 more nannies in the goat house that you missed. I was more concerned about the squacky one! If your tele-transporter has a time machine attached you could fix this problem! I am sure they will be named after a cheese. Their mom is Feta. Then we have Meira the sassy one, Gouda the mild one, and Princess Dairy (Our Nubian nannies)
how did i miss two knocked up nannies? hmm. i better make an appt. with the optometrist!

my time machine is in the shop. the transfunctioner and the gigablaster are all jammed up. shoulda never put chocolate sauce in the oil tank. it looked the same to me.

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