How early have your birds started laying?

I have 4 Red Sex LInks that are now 18 weeks old. I have let them free range since they went in the coop at about 10 weeks. I was outside and heard a soft cooing and looked in the bushes by the house and found one of the RSL laying an egg! After she moved off of the nest she had made herself there were a total of 10 eggs! I was so surprised because I wasn't expecting eggs so soon! (She would have been about 16 weeks at the time she laid her first egg.) I immediately started keeping them in the coop and she is faithfully laying in the nesting box 1 egg per day :) I am hoping the rest start laying soon!

Found my first two eggs today! I have 7 girls in my flock who are all 18 weeks old. I'm not sure who laid them, but I think one of the eggs was produced by my RIR, Mary Jane. My harem includes an Easter Egger, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Speckled Sussex, and Golden Laced Wyandotte.
I have 13 BRs 8 are laying reg so far . They are 24 weeks . The first egg was given to me at 16 weeks . Since then it's been " surprise!" On how many I get a day . Today I got 9 ... Tomorrow who knows ...

Got another egg today. I was right about my RIR. I caught her going into the coop where she stayed for almost an hour! After she popped back out I ran out to check the nesting box and lo and behold I found this sweet little brown egg. She's laid one a day now since yesterday. I'm so proud of her! Now if I can just catch the other egg layer in the act I'll be pleased as punch, lol.
Laverne, my Plymouth Barred Rock layed her first egg on Tuesday. So far she has blessed me with one egg each day for a total of four eggs so far. This is so exciting.

I will take an updated picture of her tomorrow. Her comb is nice and red.
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Maggie and Peggie our Pekins laid an egg each yesterday and now Maggie looks like she's laying another !!! If you look at the pictures above you'll see how developed their combs are and I would say the wattles have grown a little bigger since I took the pictures. Not totally sure how old they are but maybe it would give some indication of the developmental stage?
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Have now gotten 7 eggs out of 8 hens , am so proud of them! After all the squaking they do each morning it's nice to look in the nest box and see the gifts they have left! All the treats have done their job.

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