How easily can a weak duckling aspirate?

Its ME

Mar 29, 2016
Perry, Kansas
I hatched a duckling and the hatching process alone was a mess. The hygrometer for my incubator went out so I couldn’t tell what the humidity was. I decided to open the incubator three days after the hatch day to see if any of the ducklings hatched and there was one pipping with a dry membrane (humidity was obvious too low) I put some warm water on it not thinking that it would hatch. A while later, it did. The next day I took it out and it’s back was matted down with dry membrane, but it was fully dry. It was pretty weak and it would roll over and couldn’t get back upright. I was dipping it’s beak in water when it suddenly pushed its head down and got its whole beak submerged into the water. I kept dipping it’s beak in water because it could not do it on its own. 30 minutes later, it died. It kept opening and closing its mouth and couldn’t move. Did I do something wrong? I picked up its whole body and tilted it towards the water bowl. Or was this going to happen because it was so weak? I just feel so bad right now :(.
Sorry for your loss, Hard to tell what happened, perhaps it just gave up, you have to be very careful when giving newborn ducklings fluids they do aspirate quite quickly and easily.

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