How few chicks can I buy?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
I lost two chickens last night (6 weeks old) and I am probably going to replace them. However, we are limited on space, so I can only buy 2 or 3 chicks. Is that enough? Do you need to buy more at a time then that? WIll they do OK with only a couple of them?

Also, at what point is it safe to integrate younger chicks with older chicks? I am SO new at this so I have no idea.

Help, please?
If you buy online, some hatcheries have a 3 chick minimum. I think that MyPetChicken is one of these.

To integrate, allow the chicks a separate area that allows for the entire flock to see each other. You'll have to pay attention to see how they all react before making the decision to allow them to mingle. Likely a few days to a few weeks. Be prepared for squabbles and smackdowns, though this might not happen.
Depends where you buy, so I don't know if you can.......but if your asking if it's a good idea to only raise 3 chicks then the answer is yes, go right ahead. I wouldn't go with 2, only because if one dies then the last one will be lonely and cry. A LOT! lol

Wait to integrate young chicks with older chicks until they are roughly the same size.

Good luck!
Well....I ended up with 4 more chicks this morning. I couldn't stop myself. Besides, my husband is working on a bigger coop anyway..

Got two Golden Comets, A Golden Lace Wyanotte and a White Rock. SO CUTE.
I see you are familiar with chicken math then!! I got my 5 at Agway and their minimum is 6 - I originally only wanted 2!! And of course now I want more. They put a minimum amount on them because people buy one for a child then the child gets tired of it. Although I don't see how that could EVER happen!!! Can you post pics of your babies? I would love to see them, as I'm sure everyone else is too!
This is the only picture so far...but MAN they are sweet! The best part is that they are only a week or so younger than the RIR's we already had. So they can go outside very soon!! No more pine dust all over my sewing machine!

Thanks! And boy do I know what you mean about the water! We had a duckling with our first batch of chickens and she made a HUGE MESS with the water. I do miss the little fluffy stage, but not all the stinky poo in the box and the work!

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