How hard are Mandarin ducks to hatch?


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
White Lake, Michigan
I found some Mandarin eggs for about $11.00 each. I was going to buy them, hatch them and sell them, as I found you can make a lot of money on them. Does anyone have any advice or experience with them?
Advice.....don't. Wild duck eggs do not ship well and are much more difficult to hatch. They are also much more difficult to raise. You will lose money.

85% on mandies....she'sletting the hen in ubate awhile.I do not know anyone with 85% otherwise ...particularly with shipped eggs.

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Clint, I'm still a total Noob, so I greatly appreciate when people like you can fill me in! I received my eggs in a bucket from the farm, I didn't order them, so I don't know much about shipping or hatching percentage rates.
Anyone who gets involved in wildfowl keeping expecting to "make a lot of money on them" is in for a surprise. Do the math on costs of properly housing, feeding, caring for and marketing the birds and let me know how much money you'll make!

This is a common mistake among newbies and the list of failed short-lived, get-rich-quick breeding schemes is long.

Ya, I thought about it for about 20 minutes, then Clint filled me in LOL I'm happy with my babies I have right now! Boy are they cute and they love to snuggle up by your neck!!
Clint I have a question for you. I live in the panhandle of Florida and have been looking for Mandarins for some time now. You say they need special pens and what not. Can you explain that a little more or post a few pictures. We are building a pond in our yard right now that is inclosed in about an acre fence. I have my Sebastopols and a few ducks in there right now and was going to plan on putting them in there with the other birds. Is that good idea or not? Do they need to be fully enclosed so they can not get out? I have two other pens that I use for breeding season, that are fully enclosed to keep the hawks, owls and coyotes out away from the babies. Would something like that work? I usually let my birds incubate their own young. I incubate some geese eggs and some chicken every year just to keep my stock up. What is your opinion on all of this?

Thanks so much.

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