How hard is it to give a Marek's vaccine?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
I've had a number of medical problems with my small flock and I'm thinking of vaccinating the new pullets (hatched from my eggs) against Marek's (if there's something I CAN prevent....).

I've read that you have to inject the vaccine in the back of the neck. I'm not very experienced and nervous about injuring them. Also, the pullets aren't used to being handled.

Is this something that's really feasible given the above? Or should I drop the idea and hope for the best?

Any feedback on your experience would help!
The vaccine that most people can get OTC, is the one given SQ in the first day of life (day of hatch), it needs to be given before the bird is exposed to the real virus. If these birds are much older than a day, or hatched by a broody- the vaccine is not likely to be helpful. Where you buy the vaccine can usually supply you with needles and syringes. Giving it is not difficult, once you get the hang of it. First time, it is really nice to have someone demo for you. Do you know anyone who gives their own vaccines to their pets, a vet or tech willing to demo for you, or someone local who has done this before? Small needles (25g), small syringes (1cc is good) and a steady hand... directions on the fort dodge product is 0.2ml SQ per chick.
I don't think there's anyone around who can demonstrate. But I've given injections to people before. The needle part isn't frightening to me, it's the chicken part.

The pullets are about 15 weeks old now. They were hatched from an incubator and have been in their own space here, without direct contact with other birds.

Does it still sound like it's too late?

Thanks for the advice!
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