How harmful is mold to chickens?


9 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Southern Minnesota
I have always kept my flock inside our barn, but our barn isn't in good shape. It was made in the 1800s and it will probably come down within the next 5 years. Needless to say, I need a new set up. I'm not sure whether or not the barn will make it through another winter.

One option is the old farm house. The old farm house seems perfect for chickens as it's insulated, has tons of windows, and the different rooms can be used as breeding pens. The problem is that it has just sat there for the past 12 years. The basement has flooded at least 4 times and it's walls are literally covered in mold. When you walk inside, the smell of mold instantly hits you. I wouldn't keep any birds in the basement, but I'd like to use the upper levels.

I'm a college student on a strict budget, so I don't have very many options. I'm assuming that it's a bad idea to move my birds into this house, but it seems like the best option. I don't see any mold in the up stair levels, but I sure can smell it.

Any opinions?
If you can smell it, you're breathing it in. So would your birds. Plus, how could you care for them in that structure--wear a hazmat suit each time to feed and water? I say no, respiratory mold issues pretty much blow all around. You'd probably lose birds and endanger your own health. If your budget is small now, how's it going to be after you're hospitalized for a respiratory fungal infection? Find another option or wait to have birds until you have appropriate housing.

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