How high and wide should perches for chickens be?


Jul 15, 2015
Swan Valley, Perth,Western Australia[/IMG

Here is a pic of our current chicken coop which we have kept hi line browns in for the last 4 we r hand raising 5 3/4 australorps and 5 3/4 leg horns and am ready to do some coop renovations. Have read some of the many threads and it seems like we have had the wrong type of perches and way too high. Am ready to take down the pvc and metal perches and put in some 90mm x 45 mm planks (the Australian equivalent of 4 x 2). Any suggestions on the height?
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Did you mean 90mm?


I don't ever know of roosts being too high ... As long as the following are not a problem.

A. The birds can get up there.
B. The birds can get down without breaking their legs when landing. (More of a problem with big heavy birds)
C. The roost does not place them in a drafty place, as vents are best placed up high.
D. There is enough room above the roost that they don't bump their head when flying up.
The size you are planning on using should be fine, just put the wide side up. This will give them a more stable roosting area.

As far as height, just make sure they either have room to fly down, or some type of ladder system so that they can walk down.

I use a ladder type roost. My chickens hop from one rung to another to get up or down. My top rung is about 3 1/2' tall.

I really like your ladder perch idea. Easy for the girls to get up and down and also no perch directly under another, so no unfortunate getting pooped on during the night! Will try something similar and make it removable for ease of cleaning the coop. Thank you Henless :)
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I really like your ladder perch idea. Easy for the girls to get up and down and also no perch directly under another, so no unfortunate getting pooped on during the night! Will try something similar and make it removable for ease of cleaning the coop. Thank you Henless
Some people have put hinges where it attaches to the side of the coop. They just left the bottom of the ladder roost, hook to a rope or wire, which holds it up while you clean under it.


Here's pics of the new perches based on idea from henless. It's a ladder system with 90mm x 35mm treated pine planks. It's removable for cleaning. The chicks won't be moving in for a few weeks yet and am still doing some other renovations to the coop for the new occupants. Was wondering if anyone has recommendations for something to put on planks to discourage lice and mites? Will have a search through some of the threads for ideas also.
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