How important is it to have the run completely enclosed?

we have hawks, raccoons etc and lately a ton of rain. we covered our run with corrugated plastic and it's wonderful for keeping out predators and the girls dry

Yes! Yes! Yes!
The corrugated clear plastic works wonders for keeping the pen dry and the light in!
At first I was concerned about air flow, however; the sides are open and the breeze just zips on through!
The only issue I have with the plastic is ... snow, ice and water accumulation.
OMG, I am so sorry for your loss. will you incubate or buy new ones. You are right hindsight is 20/20 but what an awful way to learn it.
my husband is taking me on mothers day to by chicks at our farm and ranch store they even have bantys and some silkies in
we are also beefing up our run

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