How long after hatch do hens typically start laying again?


12 Years
Nov 3, 2007
Will she not lay as long as chick follows her around? I know its a dumb question but I miss my banties eggs.
When I had banties, all the hens would lay in one box and all sit on that clutch, peeling off one at a time as the eggs hatched until they were all hatched. That was normally in the early summer/late spring. They didn't lay a lot in the heat of summer, and that may be the case here. If they did lay, they got broody again. And if I went in there to get the eggs, I was in for a fight.
My broodies just started laying again. It has been 6 weeks since their chicks hatched. Mine are banty RIRs.

Not sure if this is normal as this is my first time dealing with this.
I sure hope she starts laying soon. She lays better tasting eggs than my standards. She stays out of the neighbors yard unlike the standards so I freerange her 24-7.
darn. FLo hatched hers about a month ago and she has just started being a total chatterbox, like she is ready to lay again. i even saw her take Conway for a ride yesterday.

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