How long after no eggs/slow eggs due to mites did it correct after treatment?


Apr 7, 2022
For those of you who have chickens stop or slow down egg production due to mites or lice how long after treatment did they begin laying again at an average rate?

Thanks In Advance
Curious for those of you that have dealt with mites or lice before and treated with either ivermectin orally/topically OR used elector PSP, how long it took after dosing the first time or applying with elector for you to notice improvement in your flock?

If your flock or birds had stopped laying or slowed down laying how long did it take for production to return?

Thanks in advance

For those of you who have chickens stop or slow down egg production due to mites or lice how long after treatment did they begin laying again at an average rate?

Thanks In Advance
One quote above if from your ER thread that you started as well.

First are you dealing with Mites or Lice? Have you made an identification of the parasite that you are dealing with?
Elector PSP will treat both mites and lice, follow the label recommendations form treatment of housing/birds.

Ivermectin will treat Mites in poultry. Dosing of Ivermectin is based on Weight. You will still need to treat housing and rid it of mites or you will continually have reinfestations since most mites live in nooks/crannies, lay their eggs there and come out to feed on the birds while roosting at night. Ivermectin will kill the mites when they bite the chickens.

If an infestation of external parasites is severe, this can affect the overall health of the bird/flock. An infested flock can have a decrease in egg production, stunted growth, become more susceptible to disease, etc.

I don't know of a timeline of when a hen may resume production once the parasites have been eliminated, you can research to see if there's any studies. Common sense would say that each hen is an individual and her coming back into production would be dependent on how much the infestation has affected her overall health. So basically - time will tell. Some birds may recover faster than others.

If they have stopped laying due to parasites, then feed them a nutritionally balanced poultry feed. Mites suck the blood/life out of them, so extra protein - meat/fish/eggs would be good to give or introduce a quality vitamin supplement to their water a few times a week to help build them back up.

I hope you're able to get things under control and your birds back to a healthy position.

Here's your other thread.

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