How long before I can release?


6 Years
Jul 26, 2013
I just picked up some 6 month old guinea last weekend and I want to get them acclimated to the new enviroment. They are in a small chicken coop right now and I can tell they want to roam free.

I would like to let them out by next weekend, one at a time, so they don't all just take off. Im hoping they will kill some of the ticks around here. I have been pulling 10 a week off my dog who almost never leaves the porch.

The person I got them from said a week should be enough, and they don't exactly have very big brains, so after a week they should realize the new surrounding is their home.

How long should I make them stay in the coop for? I'm just trying to get them used to being fed by me.

When released they will be free range, as I don't have a barn they can stay in at night. I am probably just dreaming thinking they will stick around or not get eaten. I live deep in the woods and there is multiple predators around from racoon and bear, to hawk and owls. So hopefully they will survive.
2 weeks should bee long enough, but if they don't come back to the coop at night put them in there and lock them up for another week.
I've always used 4 weeks as a ballpark. Mine took a while to get used to their surroundings and letting one out at a time will increase the likelihood that it will come back. Once they are all released, they may just head out and try to locate their previous home. It just depends on how they have bonded with you and their new home. Spending time with them and feeding several times a day vs. leaving it out may help them bond with you and their coop.

I hear you about the ticks and that's the reason why we got out flock. Of course, that's not 100% but it will help in time. It does take a while to get them so they will go out and come back on their own and food will help with that connection - meal worms are special treats. They may even have trouble navigating the entrance or not want to head into the coop on certain nights. If they end up sticking around your place, there is a good chance they will be taken by predators if they roost outside at night - and then there are day time predators as well. They are vulnerable to owls, coyotes, racoon, foxes, bobcats, dogs, hawks and even opossums and skunks, not sure about bears.

We started with 16 keets, one was lost to an injury and one to a car. Six of them were taken by predators - so we're down to half of our original flock and that's with me putting them in every night at least a half hour before sunset. Good luck, but be prepared for loss.

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