How long before you saw improvements/ egg laying return after mites/lice


Apr 7, 2022
Curious for those of you that have dealt with mites or lice before and treated with either ivermectin orally/topically OR used elector PSP, how long it took after dosing the first time or applying with elector for you to notice improvement in your flock?

If your flock or birds had stopped laying or slowed down laying how long did it take for production to return?

Thanks in advance
We recently used Ivermectin 5% pour-on for treating scaley leg mites. Then repeated that in 10 days. They never stopped laying. It was about a month ago and I actually was inspecting feet today and they look marvelous!
Curious for those of you that have dealt with mites or lice before and treated with either ivermectin orally/topically OR used elector PSP, how long it took after dosing the first time or applying with elector for you to notice improvement in your flock?

If your flock or birds had stopped laying or slowed down laying how long did it take for production to return?

Thanks in advance
Your other thread can be found here::

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