How long can eggs go outside and still be good to eat?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 22, 2011
I have these two hens that like to hide their eggs. I usually find them within two days, but they "got me good" this time. I just found a stockpile. The eggs are only seven days old, and it hasn't been hot out. Can we still eat them?
There's an easy test to see if they are still OK to eat. Get a bowl of cold water and put the egg in it. If it lies on the bottom, it's OK to eat. If it floats, it's bad.

Sometimes it will stand on end in the water - that means it's fairly close to going bad. You can use it that day, but test again if you have to leave it longer.
Thank you. I looked all over the net to find an answer... yours is better than the "it'll smell" bad answer I kept getting.

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