How long can hen be off eggs and they survive?

Usually I would agree with these statements, but I have just experienced a miracle hatch!!! Turning all my knowledge on its head! My broody hatched 2 chicks and like Egghead Jr said the broody abandoned the remaining eggs about 24 hours after the first chick hatched. I removed the eggs (1 x partially hatched and 1 x pipped and stone cold) but it didn’t seem right to throw them in the bin, so I placed them on top of a pile of leaves. 2 days later I was walking past the leaves when I noticed the ‘pipped’ egg had pipped a bit more, so I picked it up (still cold) and could hear a peep peep from inside!!! So action stations! Bought it inside and popped it on a heatbag on my lap and performed an assisted hatch. And what do you know... it survived!!! I warmed it up and successfully integrated it back under broody that very night.
Unbelievable! So I have come to the conclusion that nothing is impossible!!
Best of luck with your hatch 🐣

That’s amazing!! That little chick didn’t give up 🥰 and you pulled it through! Such a great miracle. Thanks for sharing! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Unfortunately, both my other hens decided they are not ready so we may need a plan B and fast.
I’ll keep y’all updated!
WE HAVE BABIES! :celebrate
2 hatched 😁😁 Just found them this morning when we checked on them.

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