How long could you sustain yourself and family?

Yeah, I've noticed that about the forum too. I tend to be very secure in my own skin, sticks and stones and all that. If you don't like me, don't read me
. I've got so much stuff out on so many websites that I'm not worried about being on any enemies lists either, I'm already on them.

Feel free to pm me with any detailed question. I'll answer them to the best of my abilities or link you to a source that will help. Glad you got your .22 working. Amazing how many good deals I get on "worthless" guns that just need some cleaning and TLC or an inexpensive repair.

The link to "appleseed" is Check it out. They also have a forum where any and all firearms questions are welcome.
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av-- I hear your need to temper your words. ANd that would be wise.

I had been planning to take a class next Sunday , an all day class, geared toward getting my gun license and chickened out for many reasons. One being I'm not sure I trust myself to handle a gun safely at all times-- and would I be able to use the gun when the time came in self defense. I talked with a friend , another mom for about 15 minutes tonight, and we both felt that if our kids were threatened we could do it BUT I also have concerns about that split second of hesitation that would effect the out come of a given situation . To hurt another person would change me for ever. I struggle with balancing what is life currently and how to set myself up for handling the what if's in the future. I dont want to have my head in the sand but I dont want to create a problem either.

THe other night we discussed handguns for personal safety vs rifles for hunting. I really feel like the males in my family let me down when I was not included in learning how to hunt. I know if my family was starving I could do it. ANd maybe I need to rethink it just for the value of good clean meat . . . . all the hunters are setting up their stands now and I have had to put up no trespassing signs to keep them out of my driveway . . . who would have thought learning to clean a chicken could lead to leanirng how to hunt deer. lol
It is a shame AV decided to erase all their posts. I don't recall anything inflammatory or insulting but I have pretty thick skin.
It is a good question and made me sit back and think a bit.

When I lived in Wyoming, my friend was setting himself up for when TSHTF. He had plenty of self defense, but didn't have anything but wheat stored long term. His plan was to fry the wheat up in animal fat for something to eat. They hardly ever ate home cooked meals, so their pantry was pretty thinly stocked. He used to hunt, so he figured that he would hunt for food.

We were having a discussion one day, he was criticizing me for having a walkout basement because it "wasn't secure" and not easily defended against attack. He made sure that he had a "real basement" when he built his house. I pointed out that my house was actually very passive solar and with the two woodstoves, I actually heated the house and could cook without electric or propane.

Also, my husband and I kept our pantry full (overfull as I found out when we moved). So we could hole up, in-place, for probably a month or so without any inconvenience except running water and fresh veg and fruit. We had dehydrated stuff that I use to make lightweight camping meals, so we would have enough to eat, but not much fresh but nutritious none the less. We also had a stream less than a mile away if the need arose. He pointed out that we were visible off a major highway. I pointed out that out of the 10 neighbors, 8 of them were military or retired military/police and 4 belonged to the shooting club. :)
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I grew up n the sticks n Wyoming, hunted and fish my entire life, as far as guns go I have a .45 for close defense, a .30 06 for long range game and a 7.62x54 mussan for steady long range defense. I don't have a 12 gauge yet but will get one eventually and as far a food goes I don't have much n storage but will eventually but a good source may be mre's especially with the fact I live n a hurricane and tornado riddled state. But one question I have is where can I order bulk seeds that are not genetically altered for short life spans that way I could buy bulk seeds for storage and use.
You can buy sealed cans with a variety of garden seeds, that are good for storing.

We have a bunch of freeze dried fruits and vegetables. I like to make mixes that I vac-seal and take camping. For example: freeze dried potato hash-browns, onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Add water to re-hydrate, drain, and then fry up in a cast iron skillet. Great with steaks for supper or eggs for breakfast.
I buy from a company that freeze dries the stuff, then seals it in a #10 can. Until I open the cans, it will be good on the storage shelf for over 20 years.
I have dehydrated some fruits and veg, and plan to do more when my garden is created and producing.
I did some research in it, and here is what I found: If you want to make your own freeze dried foods, you slice the food very thin, then treat it to prevent browning etc. Place on racks in the freezer and let it sit in there until it is dried out. You will know it is done when you pull it out, let it thaw and it doesn't turn brown. I don't know if it works or not.
I think I will just stick with ur other advice and order from like u suggested earlier thanx for the replies though much thanx
If the mods see that the OP has pulled out, they usually close the thread. HOpe not.

SUre wish the OP had not erased all that good i nformation as I have been looking into some resurces locally and need those reference points to continue the search.

IMO food can be canned and process annually for winter use. While the idea of opening a can in 10 is truely intruiging, I do think fresh has more vitamins etc. and the lack of such is what is causeing many of our current illnesses.

THank you all for a great conversation , and causing me to sit back and rethink a number of issues.

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