how long do surplus eggs stay good??


9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
I was wondering how long surplus eggs stay good? they are being refridgerated!
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I'm fairly new to the whole "how long do eggs last" thing since this is our first flock and they just started laying a little over a month or so ago. What' I've read on BYC (love this site) is that the eggs can last months as long as they aren't washed. (washing takes the bloom off them and allows air/debris in thru the shell)

Many people leave their eggs (unwashed) on the counter for weeks. Refridgerated makes them last longer. I try to keep track of which ones are the oldest and rotate the stock. But most of the time we don't have too many surplus. (feeding 6 kids will do that) LOL

Good Luck! Hope it helps!
I used to show a film to my ninth graders called One Thousand Dozen by Jack London. It was in conjunction with his novels that we were reading. It is a story of an entrepreneur who tries to take 1,000 dozen eggs from California to Alaska during the gold rush days. He was planning on them lasting at least a month or more. Fact or fiction? I'm not sure, but it made for a good story.

I think they should last at least 2 or 3 weeks refridgerated.
I have read that in the stores the sell by date is 45+ days AFTER they are crated...and how long before laying and crated, who knows?
Fresh eggs, 4-5 weeks in the refrigerator. If unsure how old they are, do the float test... if the egg floats (older eggs have bigger air cells) then it's older.
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Well I have read articles (Mother Earth) that if they are unwashed and on the bottom of your fridge which is the coldest. Up to 7 months. I have kept surplus eggs in my fridge in my basement from my hens up to 4 months after hatching for our family to aide through winter.
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I hard boiled some last week that were eight weeks old. Out of two dozen there were were four or five floaters. When I peeled the floaters the air cell was more than a third of the egg. They tasted fine.
I got a catalog today from egg and they have a product for people who wash the bloom off their eggs it's called Egg Oil a food grade mineral oil. If you use this your eggs will last 6-8 MONTHS.

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