How long do you have to pull eggs?1


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
Manvel Texas
I have a hen, Smokey that is an awesome mother, she has been sitting on 5 eggs, but last few days ago I was very afraid to go outside due to a snake, that had to be killed. I have a horrible fear of them, cant even see in magazines, books or movies. So I didnt pull eggs, I just found eggs that she has been sitting other than her normal 5...about 3 more....I pulled them and was going to bring them into the kitchen. But Im wondering can they be eaten or did they sit to long under her those 3 days?

She has hatched two since yesterday, has one zipping real good and one cracking...that will be her whole 5 I was letting her hatch.
so your saying you think its ok to bring them in and put them to eat? I usally go out and collect eggs daily, but didnt for those days due to my enemy within out Ive pulled those.
If she was setting on them for more then 24 hrs you would probably want to crack them and see if they've started to develop... if not, use for scrambled eggs, if yes, scramble and given them back.

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