How long does it take for the eggs to get big?


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
My 33 week leghorn layed her first egg today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO excited, I've been waiting forever!
She layed the most adorable little pullet egg :). Not a fart egg, but still very little. I'm not impatient- I love her little eggs, I was just wondering how long it would take for them to get big. Are WL prone to laying double yolkers, also?
Oh, and how long does it take a hen to lay an egg, from when she gets in the nesting box, to when she getrs out?
Your eggs will probably get slowly bigger as weeks pass. Sometimes you may not notice a difference at first, but trust me, you eventually will. One of my two ISA Browns went from laying pretty small pullet eggs to eggs big enough to hold two yolks(they never have though)!
As for the process of the hen coming into the nest box, laying, and leaving, is probably about 30 minutes, but it differs widely from hen to hen. Hope this helps!
Hi, My 6 White leghorn hens started laying small eggs at about 24 weeks. They are jumbo now 4 months later, with beautiful yellow orange yolks. I am now waiting for my Rir's to lay, to compare.

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