Mine fusses about things like the poop all over the deck and on the steps. The cecal poop, especially....we have a couple of names just for that type of poop:
pudding poop or ooky poop.
And we can't forget the extra-stinky broody poop!
Oh, most of you all sound very lucky. My husband gripes and carries on when it comes to my flock. He likes the idea of taking extra eggs to his work or when guests visit and they "ooh and ahh" over my chickens but other than that he would love nothing more than for me to get rid of them. It is a constant up-hill battle but one worth fighting for...

Recently we have been thinking of selling our old home and the first topic of discussion is "if we move, what are you going to do with your chickens?" and my response is always, "they are coming with me"...That response always gets me a look from him that should send me plumb into next week! lol...

Count your blessings ya'll!
my DH is the chicken whisperer. he talks to them and they listen, he befriends the roos, they worship him as their god. Our dearly departed Jerk Chicken (think Foghorn Leghorn) used to sit on his shoulder like a parrot and groom him. Aside from that, He has a deep love of omelettes, fried eggs, real ceasar dressing and REAL eggnog. 'I love chickens' says he, sipping eggnog laced with Captain morgans by the fire at Xmas.
bribe him with yummy egg recipes! THere is NOTHING like fresh eggs...i will never be without them!
lol... "Chicken Whisperer"...I love that!
You need to get your husband to open up a sort of "Chicken Charm School"... Let me know when it opens and I'll sign my husband right up!!!

That's about exactly right for my husband. We just got our first batch of 14 out safely in the coop and now I'm hatching out some frizzles and sizzles and he can't believe that we will be living with chicks in the living room again:)
hello everybody I'm new here, but have had chickens for several years.

My DH and I have an arrangement. he likes anything old, rusty,and ummmm in my oppinion junk. I like poultry. so everytime he gets a piece of "junk" I get a bird, or if I see a bird I just "can't live without" he gets a piece of "junk".

He doesn't really mind the birds, he does mind the quanity, but I just tell him to start counting "junk" it always out numbers the birds.

We just moved from WNY to TN about 865 miles. We brought 3 geese, 6 chickens, 6 gunieas, 7 ducks, 3 bobwhite quails, 4 dogs, and a cat. My husband never complained once. Of course we brought along his collectable "junk" too. It took us 16 hours straight driving to get here.

Husbands you got to love them
Well mines doing okay, I guess.

When I first said I wanted chicks he was like yeah, sure, okay. Then I brought home several library books on chickens and read them for days, then he started to get worried. LOL

I told him my son and I would do all the work caring for them etc. He does like the idea of fresh eggs.
So he said, okay. Just remember YOU 2 are doing all the work.

So one week ago today I brought home 25 chicks from the hatchery. I had them in the old rabbit coop (redesigned for chicks) He looked in and said "well they ARE cute, can I hold one" Now he plays with the chicks daily and talks to them. AH HA I knew I had him right where I wanted him. I needed help building a coop, but he didn't know it yet.

He just figured that the chickens could stay in the barn and run around free without harm. No work for him. Then I showed him the book. He figured out that isn't possible. Now he is one week into building me a secure coop and awesome chicken yard. He grumbles alot "how much is this costing me?" "What do I get outta building this coop"? I nicely remind him that his hunting and fishing gear cost us alot of $ too and I don't eat fish or venison.........I help him do as much of the work as possible. I've made his favorite dinners for 3 days now......I give him backrubs when he comes in. He grumbles, but at the same time he's proud of how awesome the coop and run are looking. I tell him come visit the chicks they miss you and he just gives me a look, I hear him talking to them all the time. LOL He's going to be hooked too when the coop is done and he can just sit back and enjoy the eggs.

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