How long does it take for them to hatch when they internally pip?


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
I check my eggs once a day, it's day 20 and a few of them have huge air sacs, like one side has a huge dip, and those ones have internally pipped. I can hear peeping if I tap on them. Should I expect to see any shell pips tomorrow? Will they do it overnight? I'm so excited!
Also what made the air sac have a huge dip all of a sudden?
within 8 hrs they should all be hatched, if you listen closely you should hear then scraping their tooth on the shell and then at some point a tiny hole will appear. They rest a lot during the process and you will understand why when they hatch. After that initial hole don't just expect anything to happen very quickly, they will actully make a larger circle that first hole is just the edge of the big circle. Don't help them just wait and watch.
Chicks can take a few hours to pip through the shell after pipping internally and up to 24 hours to complete the hatch. They pip through the air sack and the shell so they can breathe, then they take a break, absorb the yolk sac and the blood in the membrane, slowly start working their way round the shell before they are eventually ready to come out.
If they battle to get through the shell and didn't make progress after a few hours you can make a small hole in the shell where the beak is to help it breathe. But only a small hole. Sally Sunshine did a good article on assisted hatches, for when necessary, check my signature for the link to the article. But don't rush into it, give them time
i have chix (well one at the moment) and they are hatching on day 23+. one i actually opened too much but it hatched on its own surprisingly enought; one pipped last nite but it is in the same postion tonite so now i peeled a bit of shell away, and moved a tiny piece of membrane away from the beak; a third has started pipping , but mine are all in slow motion due to too low temps in the first week or so; the others from that batch have no nothings so considering starting to open tiny points to see ; several werent vital anyhow, cause i did open them, and one i opend and murdered since i opened it way too much and didnt rush it to the incubator in time,
i kind of think that if a chick needs help better to let it self cull, cause these are thai fighting chickens so they have to be strong healthy and intelligent (for a chicken) and not being able to hatch alone might mean that theya rent very strong; but hubby is a buddhist and wont cull, and is also impatient, so wants me to open the eggs.. (hubby will hunt and slaughter but not kill for any other reason)... so i am opening the ggs slowly.
There's no need to assist. 3 out of 6 Japanese bantam eggs are on their way, they've externally pipped and they are taking their time zipping. The other 3 died unfortunately, but I guess I'm breeding correctly? The breed has a lethal gene and you should expect losses when hatching.
Sorry, was posting the link for Nok13.

You only hatching Japanese bantams? I know Scots Dumpy are a nightmare to hatch as they have some genetic fault that kills embryos. No wonder they are rare.
I wish more hatchers were like you
Many of them rush, rush to get the chicks out and often it ends in tears.

They are cute little chickens with very short legs. Quite rare unfortunately, but there are a couple people in the UK that breeds them, so they're still going. Like I said they are difficult to hatch, but I think I'll have a go anyway
I like a challenge! I'm after some other rare breed hatching eggs at the moment, but the Dumpy is on my list. If I hatch some I'll let you all know and post some pics. In the meantime have a look here:

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