how long does it take to get rid of lice when dusting?

Easter eggers

8 Years
Jul 4, 2011
How long will it take to get rid of lice on birds? Thank you i really need help on this one
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If you treat all birds and the coop plus change out the bedding, then repeat the process in 10 days, you should eliminate virtually all of them -- if you use a pyrethrin type product (Adams flea and tick spray, various "poultry sprays) or 5% Sevin garden dust (you can use the spray form on the coop.) Wood ash in dust baths is a helpful deterrent, once you have killed off the infestation.
Once you get rid of an infestation is dust bathing what actually gets rid of the dead eggs that are on the chickens? or is there something else you are supposed to use to get the eggs off? They are like cement around the base of the feathers...
Those eggs can be soaked or trimmed off, if you have the time and few birds. With a larger flock, treating the birds ten days apart two or three times will kill the hatching lice. That's why more than one treatment is best. I always apple permethryn dust to the coop under the new shavings after cleanout, and check birds frequently. Lice, mites, UGH! Mary

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