How long does it take to lay an egg?


10 Years
May 9, 2009
My Cinnamon Queen gave me my first a egg 3 days ago, which is great! This morning, I was off work, and I could tell she was thinking about laying an egg (wasn't interested in treats or water, sang the egg song, & went back into the coop). She has been in the nest box for at least an hour now. I don't want to disturb her, does it normally take this long? Could she be broody already?
Takes longer when they're new. Maybe they read the paper or something.

When they are older they'll usually get down to business more quickly.

Mine just started laying about two weeks ago, here's what I've observed at this point:

Dolly, Black Sex Link: Tiny eggs, 15-30 minutes

Martha and Ethel, Buff Orpingtons: Small eggs, about 30 minutes

Harriet, Rhode Island Red: All double-yolkers, all the time (!), from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Harriet will go in, lay in the nest for a while, get up and putter around outside for 10-15 minutes, go back... I keep asking her if she wants a newspaper or something!

So all that time in the nest box, but no egg! I guess she was practicing.

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