How long does it take...


12 Years
Feb 4, 2007
Bloomingdale, MI
a broody hen to want to get out again after the hatch? My broody Buffy hatched one chick on Saturday, and still is sitting. She has no more eggs under her, just the one lonely chick. Food for both and water is nearby, and I clean all the poo out daily. I gave her the opportunity today, but she chose to stay put. She is in a dog crate in the coop. I put the others out to free range and left her in with the door open. But she just stayed there and called her baby to go under her wing. It was very cute.
I stayed and watched awhile. Then the baby came out and they drank together and started scratching around. It is so adorable watching them interact.
The little baby will probably stay under Mom for a few days, then it will start to venture out. If you put a light on them (not a heat light, but just a light) the baby may come out a little more. Mine are 3 weeks old and still with Mom, and when I turn on a lamp they become much more active.
Thanks CarriBrown,
Today I went down and the baby was out quite a bit when I was down there. I was really more worried about the hen. Should she be wanting to get out of the dog crate I have her in. I keep it closed unless I am down there. But today, she made it perfectly clear that they were fine. She is a funny one for sure. (The baby is so cute.)
My hen didn't want to leave the brooder for over a week. The babies are three weeks now and just a couple days ago, we brought her outside for the first time. We put the babies in the chicken tractor and she would do her own thing with the adults, then come back to check on the babies. I'm just trying to ween them right now. Everyday, she's been spending more time with the adults but at roosting time, she always goes back to the babies. I'm assuming it will only be a few more weeks before she follows the adults into the coop.
Just give her some time... She's probably like any new mom at this point. Give her a few weeks and she'll be dying to get some "me" time!

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