How long from and internal pip to an external pip


11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Colorado Springs
in geese? I'm getting so impatient! I'm staring into the bator every 5 minutes to check. The little baby has internally pipped and looks like it's trying to make progress. I know I shouldn't have touched it to look but I did! It's on day 28. Any guesses?
It could be 24 - 48 hours. Geese have a very hard shell to go through and when they hatch out they always look like they are to week and will die. Just leave it alone and the 'bator shut. I have had them take up to 4 days from internal pip till hatch. I know how hard the waiting is, but the results are worht it.

Good luck and I will be sending you good hatching vibes your way.

Geese are fickle little things. They do take quite a while to hatch. Giving them all the time in the world is your best bet, as long as your humidity levels and temperature are spot-on.

I hope all is well.
I woke up to a pip this morning!!! Nothing has happened at all since I noticed it though. Hope the little guy is ok in there. My humidity is at 82%, I hope that's high enough. It has dropped since this morning but I think it's high enough. This is driving me crazy!!!
Yeah I'm waiting for my 2 year old son to wake up. My husband put him to bed after 10:30 last night so he decided to sleep in nice and late today. And of course it's kind of yucky out today so we can't go to the park or anything. This is soooo hard!!!
The egg has not made any progress at all. I havent seen it move or make a sound. The crack has not grown. Is this normal??? Sorry, this is my first time with geese and I'm really anxious!!!
Generally, this is normal. They do have periods of resting, and geese take a very long time to hatch in comparison with most other poultry. When I hatched geese, I didn't notice much peeping / rolling until they were on their way to zipping, and had pipped at least a few times.

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