How long in the coop is too long for an egg?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 7, 2011
S. Lake Tahoe
My girls have decided that laying after 10am is the best time of day for them. But I leave before 8am. So the eggs sit in there all day, until 7ish! Can it go bad if it gets warm in there? Can I still eat them?
My understanding is they're just fine and yes you can eat them! My girls lay alllllllllll day long. It's been hot here too - but even when I don't get the eggs collected until late, they're fine and edible!
They should be fine. It takes a few days of a hen sitting on eggs before anything actually starts to develop. I work from 1:30 pm til 11:30 pm, and always check for eggs when I get home. I usually fine at least one or two and I've never had a problem with them.

It was about a month ago, I delivered 2 dozen eggs to a customer, about 10 in the morning, it was about 95 degrees, she leaves the money in the box, I leave the eggs in the box, but something came up and she didn't get home til about 8 that evening, and she called asking me if I thought they were ok. I told her they should be, told her to crack one and see, and they were fine. Now, just as a precaution and to make her feel better, she leaves the money in a cooler, with ice.
I agree with the other posts. You can eat the eggs, they will be fine. Whenever you may be in doubt, I would break the questionable eggs in a dish first. Just my suggestion. I don't refrigerate the eggs I eat unless I wash them, then they go into the refrigerator. The eggs I sell I do have a cooler that the eggs go right into.

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