How long should I keep them penned before they can free range again?


15 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Williamson, GA
We moved my flock of 20 birds to our new 6.5 acre homesite about 2 months ago. New coop wasn't built yet, so we let birds free range during the day. At night, the older hens that had been used to roosting in a coop would roost in dog carriers; the younger birds were happy to roost in the trees. This went very well for about 4 weeks, until I started losing birds, about 2 or 3 a night. So we built a makeshift pen for them and put out a live trap - and caught a possum, who we humanely euthanized. But by this time, the youngest birds - about 16 weeks old, game mix chickens, had gotten so used to roosting very high in the trees it was nearly impossible to catch them. But I finally did - now they have all been confined to the pen for about 2 weeks, and 2 pullets have started laying in a nest box (yay!)

I am anxious to let them out to enjoy the woods and the pasture and garden again - they enjoy free ranging so much. But I am afraid that they will return immediately to roost in the trees when dusk comes. Can anyone tell me how long I need to keep them confined before they will automatically return to their pen to roost? I am down to 11 birds - 9 pullets and 2 roos - and I really don't want to lose any more at this point.

Everything eats chicken. It's hard to keep them safe, especially at night. Maybe you could try luring them back to the coop at dusk with yummy treats every night for a while. It works for mine when I let them out, but there is always one that I have to track down and catch.

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