How long should I use the box?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 16, 2008
First, Total chicken noob here.

We just got 8 rir hens thurs. morning, had 1 die thurs. night,but the other 7 seem happy and active.

the box is 18"x26" in size. It is in the kitchen @ 75 deg. I am using a 75 watt bulb for heat.

I have another box to use next 20"x35" but I don't think 75 or 100 wt. bulb would keep it warm enough yet.

Is the 18"x26" box large enough to wait untill they are 2 or 3 weeks old?

How long can I keep them in the 20"x35" box, before I have to have the coop finished ?


Thanks, Chas
when i used to raise baby chicks i also used a box now i have a plexyglass brooder for them with a light to keep them warm. you should be using a heat lamp if it is chilly in your kitchen...but soon they will be flying out of the box....when they get crowed they need a bigger one. but you will have to cover it with a screen or they will be jumping all
thanks, I think I'll go to the 20"X35" @ 14" high, in about a week, and get started on the coop asap.

Get ready "coop & run building" board!!! I'm coming and I got lot's of dumb questions.


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