How long should I wait?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
We just have a three egg still-air incubator. We had one chick hatch last night on day 22. The other two haven't hatched. My question is how long should I wait until I get rid of them? I candled them on day 18 before I stopped turning them. We definitely saw one move, which is the one that hatched. The other two looked dark and we could see the blood vessels and the air bubble, but we didn't see any movement. We didn't watch long though. On one of the remaining eggs the air bubble is really big. Is there is still a chance they could still hatch or did they die?
I asked the same question yesterday, so I'll pass along what someone else told me: you could candle them and listen for cheeping now if you want. But leave them until day 24 or 25 before you toss. I'm tossing tomorrow. Bummer.

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