How long till the pullet eggs increase in size?!


8 Years
Dec 9, 2011
Hello All!
On the day my six "little girls" turned 18 weeks old, I got my first adorable little egg ~ it was so exciting! Since then, my three "big girls" (who don't lay all that much) and the six young ones have been cranking out the eggs, and I'm getting 4-5 per day so far. My question is, how long does it typically take for the eggs to reach full size? Although I'm not sure exactly who is laying what, the little girls (two Red Sex Links and 4 Black Austrolorps) are now 22 weeks old and many of the eggs are still very small. I'm not concerned, just wondering!

Thanks for your help and advice! : )
it took several weeks for my pullet eggs to increase in size.after about 3 months i finally got large and extra large eggs from my lorps, and my buffs. my pullets are starting to lay, there so tiny but im going to say that with in a month they will be nice big eggs.

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