How long to give her?


9 Years
Nov 5, 2010
Dallas, Ga.
It's been 3 weeks now since my pekin hen Delilah laid her first egg in her nest. She laid one, then it was almost a week before she laid there again. She's laid there everyday since.
One day this past week she removed one egg from the nest.
Last count I got this past Friday she had 11 eggs in the nest.
I can't get a count today as she's buried them with leaves so I know she's still going back to the nest every morning to lay or tend them.

She went broody last year and set for the full 35 days. We had 2 full formed ducklings out of 10 eggs but for whatever reason they did not survive hatch. :(

It has been 3 weeks since the first egg was laid and she's yet to go to nest full time.
How long do I wait before I need to pull those eggs out and discard them?

Is it unusually for them to lay and then not set for awhile?
At what point do I assume she's hoarding eggs but not going to set?
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She was on nest this morning.
Once she left I managed to get a count and only counted 5.
She had 11 now only 5.
I just don't know what to think.
Any thoughts? Idea? Emotional outbursts? Rude gestures?
I've got mallards and she did the same type of thing earlier this year. It was her first clutch and seemed to be going to plan. 13 eggs. Would b sitting on them most of the day etc. My son then started finding pieces of broken eggs in other parts of her run. She buried her nest,which I took to her burying them so they would be covered when she wasn't on them. She eventually started getting off more so we decided to take the eggs and put in the incubator. We found four left. The dirt was packed around them so hard we had to literally dig them up. After what should have been her 28 days the eggs were stinking and black on the inside. She tried laying another nest but stopped after 6. We took those and reincubated. Happy to say they are veining nicely along side 36 chicks. No clue where all her eggs went. Crushed under dirt it looked like for a couple.
I've got mallards and she did the same type of thing earlier this year. It was her first clutch and seemed to be going to plan. 13 eggs. Would b sitting on them most of the day etc. My son then started finding pieces of broken eggs in other parts of her run. She buried her nest,which I took to her burying them so they would be covered when she wasn't on them. She eventually started getting off more so we decided to take the eggs and put in the incubator. We found four left. The dirt was packed around them so hard we had to literally dig them up. After what should have been her 28 days the eggs were stinking and black on the inside. She tried laying another nest but stopped after 6. We took those and reincubated. Happy to say they are veining nicely along side 36 chicks. No clue where all her eggs went. Crushed under dirt it looked like for a couple.
Thanks for the reply.
I just don't know what to think.
There were 11 last friday. She buried them with leaves and I couldn't get a count again until today and there's only 5 now.
One is freshly laid as it's still nice and white compared to the others so I know she just laid it this morning.
So where'd the other 6 go? No sign of them anywhere and nest doesn't appear disturbed by a predator.

I just don't know........
That has crossed my mind but wouldn't a predator take them all?
Not if it's a snake it would eat one whole then go away for about 3-4 days come back and eat again, course living in GA. I'd say you have plenty of snakes .most predators haven't anyway to carry eggs other than their mouths. a duck egg would probably fill it up.
I have more insight for y she might not be siting on the eggs,

Ducks know when eggs aren fertile or when offspring aren't gonna hatch because of some kind of natural condition (ex. Humidity)

Also did u buy a male separately or at the same time as her , if u bought him at the same time as her it's more likely it's her brother so she won't sit on the eggs because she knows they're inbred and won't survive the hatch

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