How long to hold onto turkey eggs until incubation?


12 Years
Jan 8, 2008
My only hen is starting to lay, two eggs in four days so far. I am planning to incubate them and was wondering how long I can keep the eggs until popping them in? And how should I store them until incubation time?
First my disclaimer - I have absolutely no experience with turkeys. Most people will tell you to hold eggs no longer than 10 days. I have held chicken, duck, goose, pheasant, guinea fowl, and peafowl eggs considerably longer than that and still had good % hatches. Stop and think - how long does it take a hen (whatever species) to build a clutch prior to setting? Generally quite a bit longer than 10 days. I always stored eggs in an earthen cellar at approx. 65 degrees F, minimum of 50% humidity, in sanitized trays turning once or twice daily. Good luck with your incubation.

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