How long to isolate chicken with coccidia and other questions!


7 Years
Apr 15, 2016
I have a small flock of four hens who are 6 months old and this is my first ever flock. This morning, I found one hen sitting apart from the others with ruffled feathers and looking lethargic. Peeking in the coop I found a couple of bloody stools. I've isolated her and treated the flock and her with amprolium. She is drinking and eating and, this evening, is looking a little more perky.

Questions: Her comb is very pale and drooping. Is this from blood loss?
I've got a chicken tractor which I move frequently and I moved it today and cleaned extensively. How can I be sure I've gotten rid of most of the oocytes?
How long should I keep her isolated assuming she pulls through?
How long should I discard my eggs? My plan was to continue another 2 weeks of 0.006% after the initial therapy.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
You can not eliminate coccidia. It's a naturally occurring protozoa in the soil. Most birds will develop a resistance to the strains of coccidia that they are exposed to. Occasionally, the protozoa overwhelms a bird's system and causes illness. If these birds are all fairly new to your property, you had better treat all of them. You will never get rid of coccidia completely. But you can treat them so that their bodies can develop the resistance needed.

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