How long to refeather


In the Brooder
Jul 20, 2016
Hello all,

I have 5 RIR (raised together since 3 days old) and 1 australorp roo that live together. I had a problem with pecking and most are missing feathers on heads and backs. I posted in BYC and took the advice to expand their area, they were in an indoor coop although a decent size, I think they were bored and felt "cooped up" :). So I built and outdoors area 50 ft x 40 ft they can run around in (unfortunately I can't free range, I would love to). I think the pecking has generally resolved, but its been several weeks and they all still look somewhat ragged due missing feathers. My questions are generally how long does it take for the to refeather a bald head or back ? I do think some of the missing back feathers is due to the roos, friskiness. Should I buy the special feed that says its helps with feather formation ? I did also use that blue stuff (can't remember name) when they were pecking more, before the move.
If the entire feather came out the feather should grow back fairly soon. Exactly how long depends on a few things but you should see something in a few weeks.

If a bit of the shaft was left in there they will not grow a new feather until their next molt.

I personally do not give them any special feed when they are growing back feathers. Some people do. As far as I'm concerned you can go either way.
I am suffering a similar problem; thanks for starting this thread. There doesn't seem to be a lot of regrowth despite the passage of some weeks. I have started offering a higher protein feed in hopes they will feather out soon. We have a very cold winter not so very far away...

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