how long to wait before taking action with possible egg bound hen?


10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
I've had chickens for a long time. I've had egg bound hens before , but because I stay so busy I never caught it in time and it always resulted in prolapse then culling. I have a brown/red LF ameracauna that has not layed for two days ( she normally lays every day or every other day). No evidence of egg eating and she is the only blue egg layer in the coop right now. I felt around on her belly yesterday and I can feel the tip of an egg kind of between her backbone/tail and the back of her breast bone. How long should I wait before taking action? I have mineral oil on hand and I am not squeamish but I don't want to risk breaking the egg internally if anyone thinks she might be ok just slow with this egg. I really don't want to loose this hen as she is one of my favorites. Thanks in advance! and wish me luck.
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I'd start immediately with a shallow belly bath. Then move on, if necessary to lubing and assisting her manually. Wear latex gloves if possible. I know it's a messy procedure, but if your separate her and prepare for the mess, I think you'll be happier. I'm confident you'll do fine, the very best of luck with her.
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Thanks a bunch. She's really not suffering she's eating and drinking pretty normally I just noticed she hadn't layed for a while and wanted to be pro active because she really is a sweet bird.
I'm hoping the warm water will assist her muscles in relaxing so she will pass that egg for you and anything in behind it. A few towels later and you'll have a clen bird who doesn't get in serious trouble! Check the appearance/scent of any material that comes out/

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