How long until eggs?


5 Years
Oct 6, 2014
I have 27 chickens they are a mix of golden comet, barred rocks, australorps and Easter Eggers they were all 15 weeks old around March 1st give or take a week or two. How long will it be before the eggs start dropping ? I know it'll vary from breed to breed some
The Golden Comets may start as early as 18 weeks. With the others it will take longer, some heritage birds can take as long as 28 weeks or more to mature, although often it is more like around 20-24 weeks.
Is 16% layer pellets with some oyster shell the best thing to be feeding them at this time?
I would not start feeding layer feed or oyster shell until you get at least 1 egg. The extra calcium is not good for them if they are not laying eggs.
You do not need to give layer feed until they are laying, and hi calcium levels may be an issue for your birds that are still maturing. I would, though, put oyster shell out for them.
Yes, since they aren't laying use a feed with 17% or more protein so they can grow a little faster. Calcium is for egg shell and they don't need that.
Since your thread was about how long it takes for hens to start laying, I am going to add my question here. I have two seven month old silkie/cochin mixes who haven't started laying yet. Is that normal?
Since your thread was about how long it takes for hens to start laying, I am going to add my question here.  I have two seven month old silkie/cochin mixes who haven't started laying yet.  Is that normal?
Silkies in general tend to mature later than other breeds. Not sure about Cochin's, but since there is silkie blood in her it may be another 1 month. Is that all your have?
Silkies in general tend to mature later than other breeds. Not sure about Cochin's, but since there is silkie blood in her it may be another 1 month. Is that all your have?
Yes, there are no other layers around to "encourage" them. I have noticed just in the past couple of weeks that one has started to "hen talk." So maybe a few more weeks will convince them
I noticed that their heads are getting alot more red the past week is that normally a good sign?

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