How long will a broody sit on fake eggs

My best egg hatches are eggs I get at local farms (buying directly from the farm, or from as store, as long as I know the eggs are local.) If I order eggs, I have better hatch rate of course with eggs close to home. I have also done a combination of shipped eggs and local eggs, incase of a small hatch. I also have an incubator going- usually my shipped eggs go in that, and I give a few local eggs to a hen (no more than 9). Then at night she may get any and all hatched chicks.
It's not ebay that is bad, it's the individual you deal with. Some are good, some less so. And ebay has no control over how they are handled during shipment. Neither does the person that shipped them. I've had great hatches with shipped eggs, I've had horrible hatches with shipped eggs. I haven't had any close to 50%, in my limited experience they are either good or bad.

You never know what a living animal will do. Most broody hens will incubate the eggs for 5 weeks or more, some won't last 2 weeks. I think your odds are really good. Wishing you the best
Ok! Hopefully I bought eggs from a good seller. They had good reviews. Thank you!

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