How long will she live?


6 Years
Sep 14, 2013
Together with those chickens!
I have a pet Cornish X chick. She's only 2 months old and very heavy. Since she's a lazy bird she will lay down, eat and drink.i want to know how long she might be able to live. Also will I be able to get her to stop gluten and just keeps eating after she's full and not hungry. I want her to live for a long time, if she can, and live her happy life. P.S you know my late post about her and how she was a boy named Tobias, well "he" is a she, and her name is Big Bird! :)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Most of them die or really should be culled young because of health problems or quality of life issues (before six months) some people have kept them longer as pets but their diet really needs to be regulated, you need to restrict her food, you can not free feed them. preferably from the start, they need to be kept somewhat active etc. There are a few threads on them as pets, ie

Welcome to BYC!

Sorry about your baby. I don't know enough about broilers to help you. You have been given some good advice here. I hope you can get her back to good health soon.

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