How loud are roosters?


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
We don't have any roosters. Although, I'd love to have one. Hubby says no way! He doesn't want to upset the neighbors and he's not a real chicken fan himself. He says I put too much work into my girls, but I say it's not enough.

The good news, my neighbor across the street has a rooster. We are planning on breeding her BR roo with my frizzle and keeping the chicks. I can only keep the girls. I'll sell or give away the the boys. My neighbor across the street doesn't think they are very loud. We have roosters in the neighborhood, but most of the houses are spread far apart and I don't hear them. My other neighbors have heard them when they are outside doing yard work. On our street most lots are about 4 acres a piece with a couple 2 acre lot. I have 2 neighbors against roosters that I'm aware of. Only one is pretty close, one acre from our house. She hates chickens and has threatened us if we in fact have a rooster and hears it crow any time of the day. My neighbor plans on keeping her boy only if he doesn't cause any problems.

My question is.... How loud are they really? I have a 17 week RIR who's done the buck..buck...buck..buck...BAWK...buck...buck..buck...BAWK noise once in a while and it's pretty I think she is getting ready to lay and practices her egg song.
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Awww... They are lovely. Thanks for sharing.
. The last one sounds the loudest on my iPhone.

I thought my pullet was pretty loud too.
. I love it though, I can not wait for eggs!
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Thank goodness our township allows roosters. I'd be lost without mine. I love to hear their cock-a-doodle-dos. I have five roosters. I didn't want that many but that's what happens sometimes when you go to buy chicks and the the sign says "PULLETS ONLY"....I've gotten almost all my roosters that way. But once I have them I can't give them up thinking somebody would take them for a chicken meal. I don't kill anything I own.

My buff orp and Americaunas are pretty loud. I love listening to the rooster when he is first learning to crow. It sounds so funny that I can't help but laugh. My husband and I live on a small 26 acre farm and the neighbors can hear them crowing. Thank goodness my neighbors enjoying hearing them crow. I feel sorry for the people who want to keep their rooster(s) but their township ordinance forbids them from doing so.

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