How many a day can I eat??


13 Years
Jul 18, 2010
mapleton utah
Since the girls started laying I've been eating 2-3 eggs a day.My DW says that it can't be healthy to eat that many eggs all the time.They're organic free ranging chickens, I don't know what could be healthier
Any opinions on this matter?
I think that depends on you and your body type & nutritional needs.
My husband is a very small man with a HUGE appetite & he burns off every calorie he eats. He is in his 50's and all of his bloodwork is perfect even cholesterol. He eats 3 a day every day, plus whatever I use in baking and cooking.
Many body builders will eat that many eggs a day for the protein and all the other good stuff in an egg. I am a woman that is 130lbs and my health trainer said I would be fine eating 1-2 eggs a day.

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