How many birds are in your current flock?

I originally wanted 10 hens that my aunt was having to rehouse due to a relocation but I left her house with 16 and 2 chicks. Fast forward 6 years and many chickens later, I don’t have any of my original flock sadly, but I have 2 roosters, 4 hens, 11 pullets and 4 cockerels under 4 months and 8 feed store pullets with 2 home hatched chicks. I just re set my incubator with 18 eggs a couple hours ago... (most likely less than half will hatch though) I promised hubby this is the last hatch of the year.

Edited to add:

Woah... I didn’t think I had THAT many! Haha just added everything up.

31 live birds and 18 eggs in the incubator!
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Um....where do I start.....

Well, we started with 6. Ha, that didn't last for long! :rolleyes:

I used to have around 50 chickens. Downsized a little, but my hens upsized with more chicks again. So, I'd say, 30-35 (ish) hens, and 9-10 roosters. Used to have about 15 roosters though.

Oh and two ducks (their ducklings got eaten!) and the dingos got the turkeys.
I spend around $70 a month on layer feed and pine shavings. Which in my book is way too much to be spending on a flock of chickens. I have 11 roosters right now, 8 cockerels and 3 mature roosters. I am going to rehome 7 cockerels and 1 mature rooster before fall comes. And keep the adult Dominique rooster, the Ayam Cemani rooster, and my favorite Old English Game bantam roo.

What I would really like to do in the future is keep a large flock of assorted bantams (my weakness is itty bitty bantams) in a separate coop and run, and keep a few Leghorns and and Sex Links in another coop and let them free range with a good rooster. That way I wouldn't spend much $ on the bantams' feed and I would still get plenty of good sized eggs from the production hens :)
I started with 15 silkie chicks. 11 turned out to be roosters. Rehomed 9 and kept 2. Then bought 7 Sebright bantams at TSC. Again 3 roosters. Rehomed 2. Bought 29 from My Pet Chicken in June. 4 didn't make it. Then my Silkies started laying Elsa had 4, Bella had 4 and Betty has hatched 10 this week plus has 5 more she is sitting on still. Elsa is sitting on 7 again and Flo is sitting on 9. I rehomed 2 of Bella's and 2 of Elsa first ones. So right now I have 50 plus 2 3 week old ducklings. I am going to start giving away the eggs and chicks. Already gave around 40 eggs away and they all hatched. Lol. Chicken math.

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