How many boxes?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
I have 10 chicks, I am planning there coop right now. 6 black leghorns and 4 road Island Reds. I need to know how many boxes I am going to need. I am thinking about breeding them if I get any roosters. I would like to have about 15 chickens. There run for the coop is going to be Huge so space isn't really an issue. I am thinking around 5-7 boxes. Your thoughts/suggestions?
You need 1 nest per 3-5 hens. My main henhouse has 20-25 ladies in it at any given time and 6 nest boxes. There are days I don't get eggs out of everyone of the nests. They all like to use the same nest, but will use others when occupied.


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