How many breeds to have together?


May 6, 2015
Rhome Texas
I have 4 Buff Orpington hens, 2 Ameracauna hens and 2 Easter Eggers. There are also 3 roosters that will be rehomed very soon :) I was thinking I might add 2 Copper Marans to give me some variety of egg color. Is that too many breeds? My coop is 4x8 and the run is 8x30. If I did the math correctly I should be able to keep 10 birds. They cannot free range, too many predators and neighbor dogs. I do feed them lots of treats so they are kept busy.
Marans are beautiful, and I hope some day to get some myself. However, I'm not sure how well new chickens would do in such a confined space. The yard is large enough for the number you have, but new chickens may be bullied if they can't escape. Is there any way you could expand the pen or perhaps build a smaller second one for introductions?

Best of luck to you!
Right now the buff girls are 1 year old and the others are around 10 weeks. We introduced the little ones last week with no issues. We have a small chicken tractor that we kept the small ones in to they got big enough. I found some 4 week old marans locally. I would keep them seperate for at least a month.
Then it should probably work!

Good luck

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