How many can you process in one day by yourself (with a tub-plucker)?

I was well practiced from the prior weekend.

Whizbang plucker, turkey fryer for a scalder, tables and coolers set on friday night.....

I did 43 CX in about 6 hours, from pen to bagged.

I was on a mission, and really humping it.

You should be good to go.....
With a good well thought out plan and just one good helper, you already have good EQ, you should be able to do all of them in that 4hr time frame.
Well, for all my big talking I only got one done. "Gimpy." And I have been meaning to cull him for a week. After processing I found that he did have a broken thigh bone that had sortof healed over, but he has no thigh muscle on that side. I have made a mental note to cull more quickly, that must have been painful for him and I feel badly waiting like I did. Live and learn. I did get great experience in setting up the equipment and I got a great scald on him so the plucker made him naked in 30 seconds flat.

I had a bit of a delay figuring out where to make the vent cuts and once I did it was a little weird getting everything out and separated, but it only took me about 15 minutes from picking him up to putting him in the fridge so I consider this a very good omen for when I get 'on a mission'.

I learned that I am a bit of a wimp on this killing thing. I did Gimpy pretty easily because I knew he needed it, but with the others I have to wrap my mind around the idea that I am turning them into meat, not just putting them out of pain. I also learned that chicken guts are harder to get out than turkey guts are. Overall I found out I can do it, just need to get into a harvesting frame of mind and knock the rest out. 1 down 22 to go.
It might help if you keep in mind that they have had a good life and are genetically predisposed to having a short life. If you don't do the deed, they will most likely die of health issues anyway. Better to have a quick, painless death.

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