How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

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pips&peeps :

pips&peeps :

pips&peeps :

I counted the other day: 222 + 23574 = 23796

Culled some cockerels and sold some layers

-30 = 24,583

hatched and sold, hatched and sold.... down to 185

25896 - 7 = 25889

Hope to get rid of 20 more this weekend!!!!​

Got rid of 23 since Friday morning. (down to 162)

26132 - 23 = 26109​
26131 - 5 show chickens that we processed after the fair + 2 chicks a broody hatched out = 26128
26125-56+20 Lost my flock, am getting more next week. This is what Saxon Math call Some, some went away, some more... per their 6th grade math book LOL

This is way too hard of math for me.... ummmmm..... okay I think I got it... nope... ummmm... my shoes off and used my toes...

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