How many chickens for this size coop?


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2015
How many bantams could live in a coop and run with these dimensions?

Or if we went with more standard sized breeds, like red rangers or pioneers, how many could live in this?

Also, when run is attached they have access to the area below the coop. We will be able to allow them access to our entire yard for at least a couple hours daily as well. This is the size we feel would work in our backyard and I dont want to have too many and have any issues with crowding.

Stand Measurements:
34 in tall
43 1/2 wide
37 in long

Top Coop Box:
36 in tall
43 1/2 in wide
37 in long

Detachable Chicken Tractor:
66 in tall
43 1/2 in wide
66 in long
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From what I have read on this forum you need 4 square feet for each large fowl and 3 square feet per bantam inside the coop . In the run it should be 10 square feet per large fowl bird , not sure how much per bantam for the run .
That coop will house 4 bantams, 3 medium sized hens (white egg layers), or 2 large breed (brown egg layers) hens. Any more than that, and you run the risk of overcrowding stress. Red Rangers and Pioneers are very large breeds primarily kept for meat not eggs and would need even more room. They don't lay as well as most dual purpose breeds. Bantams are fun and cute, but their eggs are small, they are prone to going broody, and won't lay as well as most standard breeds.
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Thank you for the information, one last question...can standard and bantams be kept together? Well actually two, are Americana considered bantams and are they smaller than standard birds?
No such thing as Americana. There is a breed called the Ameraucana, but they are rare and cost quite a bit of money. Most hatcheries and feed stores sell Easter Eggers that they intentionally mislabel as Ameraucana, Araucana, or some sort of misspelling of those breed names. Some hatcheries do offer "Ameraucana" bantams. They are bantam sized versions of standard sized Easter Eggers. Sometimes bantams can be housed with large fowl, but that's not always the case. It depends more on individual personalities than breed characteristics.

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